Chevron Mobility 应用

Chevron Mobility
The New Chevron App allows you to pay for fuel from the comfort ofyour car!
Chevron Mobility
The New Texaco App allows you to pay for fuel from the comfort ofyour car!
CEEL 1.3
Chevron Mobility
This application is used to account for all U.S.residentChevronemployees after a wide-scale emergency event.
Chevron Effective Engagement Guide 1.1.0
Chevron Mobility
The new Workforce Engagement Field Guide was recently publishedin2019. The mobile reference guide is intended to be a toolformanagers and supervisors to reference while preparing forandfacilitating workforce engagements. The reference guideprovidesbest practices and key principles for ensuring theeffectiveness ofworkforce engagements.
Chevron Mobility
This tool is used to verify CNCPFA Retirees
Chevron Start Work Checks 1.1.2
Chevron Mobility
The Chevron Start Work Checks App is a mobile verificationtooldesigned to help field workers confirm appropriate safeguardsarein place and “Save Your Life Actions” are completedimmediatelyprior to the start of high work activities. The appsupportsoverall efforts to eliminate serious injuries and preventwork sitefatalities. The “Start New Check" button allows StartWorkVerifiers to initiate a Start Work Check to capture: • Workteammembers and verifiers •Completion and verification of any SaveYourLife Actions (Swipe Right) •Reason(s) any Save Your LifeActioncould not be completed (Swipe Left) The "My Checks" buttontakesthe user to: •In-Progress Start-Work Checks that can bere-openedand continued, deleted, or emailed •Completed Start-WorkChecks The"Read-Only" buttons allow the user to access read-onlyviews of:•All Start-Work Checks •All Save Your Life Actions andassociated“how-to’s” No data is transmitted to Chevron when usingthis app.Although the app was developed by Chevron, we know thisapp can beused by all of industry. The heart of the Start WorkChecks app isto prevent fatalities. We developed it because we sawwithin ourown company a need for change when it came tofatalities.Therefore, we developed the Save Your Life Actions andthe StartWork Checks. The Save Your Life Actions are a set of rulestoremind individuals doing high risk activities that these keyitemsneed to be in place in order to prevent a serious injuryorfatality. The Start-Work Checks help ensure those are inplacebefore starting work. Although it’s an app developed byChevron, weknow that we can’t succeed in preventing fatalitiesunless everyonesucceeds. This app is not for Chevron employees.It’s an app forour business partners and competitors. This app willsave lives. Weknow this, because we’ve seen this. At the end of theday, we wanteveryone to go home safe. And this app will help that.
TCO News 1.0.0-store1
Chevron Mobility
TCO Newspaper is the digital format of the Tengizchevroil corporatenewspaper.
cbpmobile™ 5.1.0
Chevron Mobility
Customers can be notified real-time and conduct transactions ontheir device.
ExtraMile Extras 22.12.2
Chevron Mobility
ExtraMile Extras Rewards
Chevron Events 5.77.1
Chevron Mobility
Chevron meeting and events app for company event management -Theapp allows us to digitize our paper processes - View yourschedulebased on the event agenda. - You can search for yoursessions inthe app.
Chevron Track And Trace 3.0
Chevron Mobility
Chevron - Track & Trace Product batch traceability forpackagedlubricants is to provide complete product batch andqualitytransparency through the lubricant value chain. It iscritical toprovide track and trace through all stages from plantthroughwarehouse to distributor, OEM customer and end consumertoreinforce Chevron value proposition and brand perception
Chevron Texaco Station Support 11.0.1
Chevron Mobility
Use Chevron Texaco Station Support to manage your retailstationoperations.
Chevron Start-Work Checks IOGP 1.1.7
Chevron Mobility
Confirm all safeguards are in place and functioning prior tothestart of work.